The Mobile Forensic World Conference for Better Forensic Science Technology – For the people who are working in the forensic science fields, they may familiar with the mobile forensic world conference. This conference is specifically held for gaining knowledge, development, and innovation to create better forensic science technology. Well, forensic science is one of the most important things in the investigation. It can determine the real fact and show it to the people. Therefore, the development of its technology is needed. The mobile forensic world conference can be a bridge for those people who have contributed to forensic science. They can share their experience and research to spread the information.
There are many conferences about mobile forensic from all over the world. For example, you can attend InterFORENSICS. This conference is presented by the Brazilian Academy of Forensic Sciences. The InterFORENSICS will be a media of the professional to have a discussion. Some of the professional backgrounds are forensic medicine, multimedia, information technology, lab equipment, and others. The participants who can attend this conference are the practitioners from the related field such as police, judges, lawyers, researches, forensic science students, and others. The eligible participants can send their paper to the committee of InterFORENSICS so that they can present their paper at this conference. Another conference that can be attended is the Education Conference from Ontario Forensic Investigators Association. This conference has a goal to improve the capability of the investigators in the forensic identification field so that they can improve their service, especially in Ontario Province. Therefore, the conference will be about the training related to the forensic identification field. In fact, the Ontario Forensic Investigators Association also provides some pieces of training other than a conference. They do several programs in order to improve the performance of investigators especially related to the forensic science field. If you are eligible as the participants of this event, you can join this conference.

Another mobile forensic world conference is the Techno Security and Digital Forensic Conferences. This event will include the role of the digital forensic and cybersecurity industries. It will enhance the cooperation between government, federal, professionals, state, private, and researchers for the development of digital forensic and cybersecurity technology. This event also will be attended by the forensic specialist and practitioners of cybersecurity technology from all over the world. The expected participants are about 900 participants. Meanwhile, the speakers at this conference are about 95 speakers. This conference will be divided into 100 sections.