world mobile forensic conference

Program from the world mobile forensic conference

The mobile forensic conference is a call for everyone who wants to contribute to this event, this is an event that presents new advances and presents the results of research in the field of mobile forensics. In this event, there will be attended by many leading scientists, researchers and academic scholars in their respective fields from around the world. You can also participate in your work that has interesting content and topics to submit.

world mobile forensic conference

Includes several things such as mobile forensics along with the latest advancements and applications, tools for mobile forensics, forensic approaches, data acquisition techniques and models, extraction processes, data storage, hardware differences, challenges and advantages of mobile forensics, security features, anti-forensic techniques, device changes and password recovery. The event which was held on October 29-30, 2018 in Barcelona also presented several programs from the world mobile forensic conference which were divided into two days during the implementation period.

Information about existing program programs

The following is a little about the ongoing program.

1. Physical program
One of the Programs of the mobile forensic world conference which took place on the first day of the event, consisted of several discussions including conference communication where there were several presentations given verbally at the event. on this first day, attendance was very important as a condition for registration as well as a form of participation in the conference.

2. Digital program
A little different from the first day where the physical program was conducted, on the second day this digital program was the topic of discussion in this event. some of the topics raised include digitally available communication conferences where everything will be done online, on this program also on-site attendance is not necessary because the discussion is done online.

In addition to being filled with a number of presentations given by scientists and expert researchers from all over the world, this event is also open in general to anyone who wants to contribute both as a participant and sponsor. This mobile forensic conference provides an opportunity for anyone to become a sponsor or participant by completing several predetermined requirements.